“Together, we see a world where people unite & take action to create lasting change - 
across the globe, in our communities, & in ourselves.”
Follow & tag us on social media: @losgatosrotary
Club News
The meeting was called to order.


  • Barry Bronson of Saratoga Rotary
  • Carol Goedde of San Jose Rotary Silicon Valley


Jean Marc Blanchard elicited groans with his fishy CrabFest jokes, not clamming up at all as he muscled his way through them. He then told us the inspiring story of a football halfback, who became a severely injured Vietnam vet, who then came back to start for the Steelers, demonstrating football is not just about muscle but heart.
President Doug shared a video from the Chamber’s Holiday photo booth, which highlighted the Rotarians that volunteered with the event.
Janice LeFevre with Inner Wheel of Saratoga explained their childhood prosthesis project. She was offering raffle tickets for baskets that help support the project. Kathy Benko, also an Inner Wheel member, helped by showing the different sizes of prosthesis’ offered from molded ones for infants,  to 3D printed ones for teens with max mobility. They also have a champagne brunch coming up Feb 23 in Saratoga for $75.


  • Feb 2 is the Rick King Tribute Dinner if interested
  • Paper bulletins are now available from Ron Cassel. Also the Club Runner app is available for member contact info.
  • Rise Against Hunger volunteer event is March 29. Sign-ups later.
  • No first Tuesday in Feb
  • The champ form grant process is ongoing, due Feb 28. Meghan sent the links to be used.
  • Tina needs fridge space for CrabFest grocery items.
  • Guest Barry Bronson of Saratoga Rotary announced he has formed a walking club on West Valley JC Campus Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 8:20. Meet at coffee shop for a 2 mile walk. His cell is 408 888-1134
The meeting was called to order.
Guests were Bill Wilson (a guest of President Doug’s), and Carol Goedde of San Jose Rotary Silicon Valley who is looking to join our club.
Inspiration was by Jean Marc Blanchard. He told the story of a struggling man who saved a run-away stroller from traffic. A video of the event went viral and he received many notes of support, making him realize his value. Never underestimate that a 10 second compliment to a stranger could change a life.
Jean Marc visited a Rotary club in Serbia since he was there on work. He retold the meeting details and exchanged banners. He recommends we all do this when traveling.
President Doug thought it was good timing to share Rachelle Lopp’s video created for the 100 yr celebration. She articulated how she sees the value of Rotary in pulling together our community in these toxic times. Indeed she was well spoken and we are lucky to have her as incoming President Elect.
Suzanne announced that the CrabFest is sold out, at the earliest point ever, but to reach out to her to be put on a waiting list if tickets open up.
Signup sheets were circulated for help on day of event.


  • Thank you to Cindy Gentile putting lunches together and for the delicious desserts brought in by Michelle, Marjory, and Karen. Andrew Howard then promptly got up to get some ha!
  • Patti said she visited Sarita at a care facility she has been in since November. She welcomes visitors. Anyone can drop in to say hi at Westwood Post Acute Care on Petersen in San Jose. Lydia noted as chair of the We Care committee to let her know of members with health or other issues, and that she sent a card to Sarita.
Meeting called to order by President Doug Brent at 12:30pm.
Barry Cheskin led the pledge of allegiance.
Jean-Marc Blanchard gave our inspirational message with gratitude to the Southern California firefighters and to all those first responders of 9/11. Twenty-three years ago, we saw the World Trade Center collapse. There have been 371 people who have died of ground zero related toxins. Jean-Marc spoke about Timothy Stackpole who suffered fourth and fifth degree burns over 40% of his body when he was severely injured in a fifth alarm fire. He returned to full-duty and was promoted to Captain on September 6, 2001 and died on 9/11 doing what he loved. He was a hero, not only because of how he died but more importantly, how he lived. The greatest high in life is by helping others.



  • Helmut Clenim, visiting Rotarian from Munich
  • Arjun Ray—San Francisco Bay Area Rotary Club
  • -Molly Rogan, daughter of Barbara Rogan
  • Marjorie Brent, wife of Doug Brent
  • Allison Synder, daughter of Dan Synder
  • Michelle Kuntzmann, Manager Art Docents
Decorated eggs St. Lukes Pantry—Salute to the NFL



  • January Member Birthdays (see slide)
  • Anniversaries (see slide)
  • Crabfest coming soon—Suzanne Boxer-Gassmann and Elaine Ware gave us an update: tickets still available from LG rotary website with new login required.
  • Fund in need: New Senchi RC Junior High in Ghana lacks basic sanitation facilities
  • Auction is open with 173 donations to select from. Sneak peak will be available at 1/28 meeting and crab techs will be available.
Vice President Greg Gentile began the meeting at 12:30
Pledge: Andrea Lee
Inspiration: Andrew Howard, spoke about being grateful for club mentorship from the elders in the club. Tips about being an elder: modern elders are curious and wise, time is our best asset, 10 years from now, ask yourself what will you regret, anticipating regret is a form of wisdom.  To help lengthen your life; stop smoking, exercise and have a positive attitude!
Guests: Monique, Jean-Marc’s wife, Jonathan Knowles, President of the Los Gatos Monte Sereno Police Foundation. Carol Goedde from Rotary of Silicon Valley, Elizabeth Snyder, daughter of Dan Snyder and Marty T. visiting from Coronado Rotary.
Fall Fundraiser:  Jean-Marc spoke about the last 3 years as chair of the fundraiser. Thanked Tina Orsi-Hartigan and Mike Norcia for all of their help and thanked the club for support and donations. A special thank you to Cinelux and Willow Street. We raised 9,350 in the three years and this year the Los Gatos Police Foundation was the recipient and we raised $2,800. President of the Foundation Jonathan Knowles was there to accept the check.
St. Luke’s Eggs: Thanks again to Randy and Kathie for the beautifully decorated holiday eggs.
Blue Badge Presentation: Jeff Blum presented Dan and Riane Spalding with their Blue Badges. Congratulations!!
Nominating committee: Tina Orsi-Hartigan presented the new slate of Officers and Directors for the 2025-2026 year that was voted on and approved. 
The new officers are:
Vice President: Terri Trotter
Secretary: John Walker 
Directors: Randy Cobb and Doug Carlen 
President Elect: Rachelle Lopp 
Scholarship: Martha Sterne
Investment: John Pencer
Returning officers are:
President: Paul Johnson
Immediate Past President: Doug Brent
Directors: Cindy Gentile, Nicolette Rodman Kelly and Stefka Bonev
Treasurer: Ramon Ware
Assistant Treasurer: Dan Snyder
Assistant Secretary: Ane Troger
Sergeant At Arms: Gregg Butterfield
February 2025

We meet most Tuesdays, 12:00-1:30PM at
Shir Hadash
20 Cherry Blossom Lane
Los Gatos CA 95032

Upcoming Events
​ ​
Centennial Video
Our club is celebrating 100 years of service in our community. Check this out to see what we've been up to!
Weekly Meeting/Speaker Schedule
Dr. Jennifer Zumarraga & Sam Kotmel
Feb 11, 2025
Impact of Mental Health Conditions on Youth
In-Meeting Service Project
Feb 18, 2025
Writing Birthday Cards for Senior Clients at Peninsula Volunteers, Inc.
Los Gatos and Leigh High School Students
Feb 25, 2025
High School Speech Contest
Caroline Cocciardi, Author
Mar 11, 2025
Leonardo da Vinci's Room of Knots
Local High School Juniors
Mar 18, 2025
Enterprise Leadership Conference (ELC) Presentation
Ben Taylor, General Manager of the San Jose Giants
Mar 25, 2025
The World of Minor League Baseball
Matt Braker, County Prosecutor
Apr 08, 2025
Unlocking Justice: Solving Cold Cases and the Stories Behind Them
Ewell Sterner, Founder Hunger at Home
Apr 15, 2025
Bridging the Gap between Food and Hunger: The Astonishing Need for Help in Silicon Valley
Our Long List of Service to the Community!
We fed families burdened by extended hospital stays at JW House in August 2024.
We assembled hygiene kits in May 2024 for the Catholic Charities Shower of Hope Mobile Van bringing hot showers to the unhoused population in East San Jose.
We raised over $14,000 at our February 2024 CrabFest for the Bill Wilson Center Safety Net Shelter for at-risk youth.
Every year, we partner with Rebuilding Together Silicon Valley to help fix up a home in our area.
Each Fall, we stuff back packs full of essential back-to-school supplies for underprivileged kids.
Each year, we help prepare 30,000 meal packs for Rise Against Hunger.
We assembled activity kits for isolation patients at El Camino Hospital in February 2023.
We helped prepare materials for solar kits for Lighting For Literacy in December 2022.
Each holiday season, we donate hundreds of toys for Toys For Tots.
We volunteer every year at Second Harvest Food Bank.
We volunteer to clean up the Los Gatos Creek.
We donated then sorted hundreds of books for children being treated at Stanford Children's Hospital.
Every week, we donate food to the homeless at St. Luke's Church Los Gatos.
Here we are packing PPE equipment for the elderly at one of our Summer 2022 meetings. 
Our Leigh High School Rotary Interact students volunteering at Second Harvest.
We donated bikes to Good Karma.
We sorting items donated for fire evacuees in Summer 2020.
Choose a Rotary Cause & Donate here