Andrew called the meeting to order.
Erika Buck led the pledge of allegiance.
Henry Vitkovich gave the inspiration, talking about the vital importance of water in this year of drought and asking us not to take it for granted.
Terri Trotter welcomed our guests: Bobbi Bornstein from West Valley Community Service and Niki Canotas from Mike and Niki’s Honey.
Myron Smith was the member spotlight of the week. Thanks Myron for all you do!
Marlon Smith announced our Rotary anniversaries.
Dick Konrad announced our volunteer opportunities - West Valley Community Service needs help with drivers and with the summer’s back to school drive. Go to their website to sign up - https://www. wvcommunityservices.org/ volunteer
Avis LaGrone and Dan Snyder updated us on the Rotary Foundation and Polio Plus drive. It’s time! Please donate this month to be counted for this fiscal year. Let Dan know what you’d like to contribute. (Reply to his email from last week). We ask a minimum donation of $200 for the Foundation and $100 for Polio. Or you can match Avis and Dan at $1000/$500.
Shelter Box hit a major milestone: they have hit 2 million shelters given to refugees. Congrats to all who are a part of that.
Rachelle Lopp asked everyone to respond to a very short survey being mailed out soon that will help the marketing/PR team with our club communication efforts on social media.
Marty Fishman reminded us to sign up for the Roast and Toast on June 29 at Villa Ragusa.
Patti van der Burg sent our next Second Harvest Food bank service opportunity for July 10. See her email to sign up.
June 22 avatar/background challenge (in 2 weeks) is your favorite song, album, band, concert, composer, etc (anything musical).
New Venue!
We are ready to meet together in person!
We will meet for our Tuesday lunch meeting July 6 at Oak Meadow Park!
We will begin at our new venue possibly on July 20 at Shir Hadash on Cherry Blossom Lane!
Lisa Cheskin did a ton of hard work to find the place to fit all the criteria that was deemed important in our poll - such as good parking, in Los Gatos, ability to have lunch, etc. Shir Hadash is an amazing location. It’s a big beautiful space with lots of parking and there will be a catered lunch option (sandwiches and salads) for those who want to buy lunch.
More information will be emailed.
Nicholas Welzenbach introduced our Speaker Niki Canotas from Mike & NIki’s Honey.
Niki has hives and apiaries all over the bay area to make local honey, with a farm in Campbell- the last farm in Campbell!
It has been hard on bees - urbanization, pesticides, lawns instead of pollinating plants, etc.
Colony collapse disorder, which is wiping out bee populations, is still a mystery but it’s all these things, and pests.
A third of all produce that humans eat rely on bee pollination.
What can we do to help? Don’t use pesticides. Plant pollinator-friendly plants. Buy local produce and local honey. Support habitat rebuilding. Buy organic plants to avoid neonicotinoids (which kill baby bees).
We tasted 4 different honeys from Mike & Niki’s Honey. All had very distinct flavors
The Campbell honey (note takers favorite) had a strong cinnamon note.
The Orange Blossom honey (their most popular) has a neroli scent that hits high in the nose.
The Canola is the most fruity and goes great on biscuits or green olives.
The Buck Wheat is the deepest and darkest, like beer, and goes great with cheese.
You can buy honey at https://www.mikeandnikishoney. com and use the code Rotary10 for free shipping and a percentage of any order in June will go to Rotary’s Polio Plus.
Next week: Catherine Somers from the Los Gatos Chamber of Commerce will speak.