Meeting called to order by Vice- President Rachelle Lopp at 12:30pm.
Michael Frangadakis led the pledge of allegiance.
Jean-Marc Blanchard gave our inspirational message: Staying Alive
Fifty-two years ago, a chartered plane traveling from Uruguay to Chile, with 45 people on board, crashed into a remote valley of Argentina (Glacier of Tears). The survivors faced snow and freezing temperatures, so used the clothes of the dead to help protect them. They salvaged a radio that confirmed the search efforts had ended. They had no food, so they had no choice but to eat those that had died, in order to survive.
Against all odds, two survivors hiked out of the mountain range to get help, and miraculously, the survivors were finally rescued. This story is a testament to what can be accomplished with persistence and determination in the face of unsurmountable odds, when we set our minds to attain a common goal.
- Lydia Norcia introduced three morning Rotarians: Kirsten Reilly, Jeanne Williams and Julia Anderson.
- Suzanne Boxer-Gassman introduced Sara Tiscareno-Kenney, a counselor at Fischer Middle School and a recipient of one of our scholarships.
Our Rotarian in the Wild this week is The Welzenbach Family, enjoying a hike up St. Joe’s in Los Gatos.

Decorated eggs St. Lukes Pantry: Red, White and Blue, Memorial Day Eggs
June 4, 2024, First Tuesday Happy Hour, Rodman Home, 5:30pm-- 7:30pm
The beautiful Centennial video was presented.
30 For 30
Lissa Kreisler reminded us of the Los Gatos Thrives Foundation for older adults that is presenting the monthly, Monday morning movie at the CineLux Los Gatos Theatre on June 3, 2024 (Monday) at 9:45am to 12:45pm. The movie is “Summer Camp” with Diane Keaton. A $10.00 ticket includes movie, coffee and pastry. Tickets available online or at the door. Click here to purchase online!
Doug Brent apologized for not being at the conference in Singapore, but his flight was canceled. His contribution goes to the Scholarship fund.
Jeff Blum gave support to the Community Service Project Committee.
Hal Rosen and his wife will be missing everyone for a few months, as they are going to the Sierras for vacation. Their support goes to the Scholarship fund.
Rachelle Lopp spoke of her daughter interning in Washington D.C. and being able to give back and provide a special experience for the kids that come to Washington D.C. for the first time. It’s truly an experience that allows young people to thrive. Her daughter graduated from American University.
Dan Spalding and Riane Spalding have been living in San Jose since 1990 and raised their children here. They are both educators and are looking forward to the opportunity to give back, and helping in the community.
Jeff Blum followed up with a poem, welcoming Dan and Riane to the Rotary.
Guest Speaker Bonny Llyn: Understanding Neurodivergence
Bonny understands the demands and stresses that impact organizations; her TED talk on YouTube introduces the connection between neurodiversity and mental health. She is the founder of the Secret Society of Groovy Business Owners with Radical Self Care (SOGROOVY) and recruits new wine aficionados as a Certified Wine Educator
11/26/2012—When in Seoul, South Korea, Bonny was living her childhood dream as a globe- trotting interpreter at high stakes international meetings; but sensed a void in her life and later found she had high functioning depression. She grew up connecting success with happiness, but found this untrue; so, began her journey to search for answers through therapy, antidepressants and more. She hopped on every diet, tried supplements, vit D, St. John’s Wort and therapy, but nothing worked.
Typically, we think depression equates with sadness, loss of interest or loss of hope; but depression is more, it can show up as irritability, rage, weight loss or gain or being overly outgoing. Depression isn’t always visible. In any given year, 1 in 5 adults experiences some type of mental illness.
High functioning depression is far more common than we think. Even very accomplished people live with mental health symptoms; like Simone Biles, Michael Phelps and Kate Spade. Depression is the leading cause of disability, more than diabetes and cancer combined.
New Years’ Eve, 2017, Bonny asked herself what would happen if she stopped existing. This was a pivotal point in her healing when she reconsidered professional help. Bonny discovered neurodiversity in her quest for healing. Neurodiversity is a word used to explain the unique ways people’s brains work. Neurodiversity is how we conceptualize the world.
--60% of people with depression do not seek help.
--Antidepressants do not work on up to 60% of people.
Bonnie utilized three keys (compassion, courage and curiosity) to master how to be effective in life and at work despite having depression.
--Compassion: be kind, forgiving and accepting of self, as well as others.
--Courage: to seek professional help and advocate for our own mental health.
--Curiosity: to discover what lies ahead.
By embracing neurodiversity, we can be advocates for health; and empower people to seek help and resources for their mental health and wellbeing.